global fellows network

What is the Global Fellows Network
They are change agents, thought leaders and influencers, many of whom are working to transform systems, policies and practices that create conditions for thriving children, working families and equitable communities.
While these leaders are associated with various WKKF fellowship programs – past and present – they collectively are part of what we call our Global Fellows Network (GFN). This network spans more than 40 countries and is the living legacy of Will Keith Kellogg — who believed as WKKF believes today—that leaders are the key to sustainable change.

Learn more about the network

Our purpose
The network’s purpose is to create opportunities for connection, collaboration and action among the fellows so they can have a greater impact making transformative change in systems, policies and practices.
Working together and with WKKF, the members of the GFN will unleash the power of collective action to positively transform their communities and our world to create equitable opportunities for all. Their leadership couldn’t be more important than it is today.

Leadership development today
Leadership is a core tenet of what we call our DNA. Embedded in all that we do is advancing racial equity and racial healing, developing leaders and engaging communities to solve their own problems. These approaches are essential to creating the conditions that propel children to achieve success.