Kesyon moun poze souvan
Ou gen kesyon; nou gen repons!
Depi nan lane 1930 yo, W.K. Kellogg Foundation sipòte plizyè pwogram lidèchip atravè mond lan. Sa te kreye yon rezo plizyè milye moun ki asosye avèk ansyen pwogram ak pwogram aktyèl lidèchip WKKF yo, ke nou rele Rezo Bousye Global (Global Fellows Network, GFN). Objektif rezo a se pou kreye opòtinite pou koneksyon, kolaborasyon ak aksyon ant bousye yo pou yo ka gen yon pi gwo enpak nan fè chanjman ki pote transfòmasyon nan sistèm yo, nan politik yo ak nan pratik yo.
WKKF envesti nan devlopman lidè pandan plis pase 90 lane. Alòske nou sipòte plizyè pwogram bousdetid, kote yo te konsevwa ak mete anplas plizyè ladan yo andeyò WKKF, la a w ap jwenn lis pwogram lidèchip anblematik ki fè pati Rezo Bousye Global WKKF la. Si w panse ou se yon bousye e ou vle aprann plis enfòmasyon, kontakte nou nan
- Pwogram Nasyonal Bousdetid/Lidèchip Kellogg (1980-2002)
- Pwogram Bousdetid entènasyonal Kellogg—Sistè Alimantè (1985–1990)
- Pwogram Entènasyonal Bousdetid Kellogg—Sante (1986-1990)
- Bousye nan Alimantasyon(1986-2013):
- Bousdetid nan Politik Alimantè ak Sosyetel
- Bousye nan Alimantasyon ak Politik
- Bousye nan Alimantasyon ak Kominote
- Pwogram Entènasyonal Lidèchip Kellogg (1989-1998)
- Patenarya Kominotè ak Ansèyman Pwofesyon Sante yo (1991-1996)
- Bousye ak Chèchè nan Sante (1998-2012):
- Pwogram Chèchè nan Sante Kominotè
- Pwogram Chèchè nan Disparite ki gen nan domèn Sante
- Bousye Kellogg nan Rechèch nan Politik sou Sante
- Pwogram Bousdetid Lidèchip Sosyal Amerik Latin ak Karibeyen (2000-2019)
- Pwogram Lidèchip Afrik Disid Kellogg (2003-2014)
- Kellogg Programa de Fortalecimiento/Liderazgo (2010-2012)
- Pwogram Devlopman Lidèchip pou Egalite Rasyal ak Sèks—Nòdès Brezil (2011-2014)
- Rezo Lidèchip Kominotè WKKF (2014 jiska kounye a)
Nan kòmansman lane 2020 an, WKKF te transfere sipò ak jesyon rezo a soti nan Alyans Lidèchip Bousye Kellogg (Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance, KFLA) la pou l vin entèn pou kreye yon relasyon ki pi dirèk ant bousye yo ak fondasyon an, pandan l ap favorize kapasite yo pou yo konekte, kolabore epi aji.
Lè nou ranfòse relasyon nou, nou espere pwofite ekspètiz, konesans ak enfliyans bousye yo sou priyorite fondasyon an sou teren an nan kominote yo. Epitou, fondasyon an chèche pwofite eksperyans ak sajès bousye yo nan sa ki gen pou wè ak misyon l pou kreye chanjman dirab, ki pote transfòmasyon pou timoun yo epi nan kominote li yo nan ekite rasyal, angajman kominotè ak lidèchip—sa nou rele ADN nou.
Pwogram lidèchip anblematik aktyèl nou an nan peyi Etazini se Rezo Lidèchip Kominotè (CLN) a. Nou ofri CLN atravè patnè, Center for Creative Leadership (Sant pou Lidèchip Kreyatif) la, epi li sipòte lidè lokal yo pou yo konekte, devlope epi dirije chanjman ki pote transfòmasyon nan direksyon yon sosyete pi ekitab. Lidè sa yo soti nan kominote atravè peyi a; sepandan, nou mete yon aksan espesyal sou devlopman lidè ki soti nan kominote priyoritè nou yo: Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico ak New Orleans. Lè lidè yo gradye nan CLN, yo antre nan Rezo Bousye Global la.
Nou ankouraje w vizite sit CLN nan pou jwenn dènye enfòmasyon sou pwogram aktyèl nou yo ak pwochen bousdetid yo.
Fondasyon Kellogg gen yon ekip ki dedye ak Rezo Bousye Global la. Li gen ladan l:
Pèsonèl WKKF:
Xiomara Enriquez | responsab pwogram
Reggie LaGrand | ofisye pwogram enchèf
Paul Martinez | chèf estratèj lidèchip ak kapital imen
Thembinkosi Semwayo | lyezon | KSAL
Paige Turner | espesyalis pwogram
Pat Turner | konsiltan | KNLP
Marcel Urayaneza | jesyonè pwogram
Carmen Villa | liaison | KFPL
Pi bon fason pou kontakte ekip la se atravè imèl nan oswa nan telefòn nan 269-969-2622.
Istwa sou Tout Timoun Pwospere
Eli Cuna, leading with deep connectivity and resolve
The WKKF Community Leadership Network (CLN) with the Center for Creative Leadership is an innovative fellowship that supports local leaders to connect, grow and lead transformational change toward a more equitable future.
Courageous leaders advance racial equity
Patrick Young, leading by creating, delivering and guiding

Supporting Healthy Families, Local Food and Peaceful Actions
Whether it’s building healthier communities in New Mexico or supporting mothers of low-income families in Mississippi, Kellogg Fellows are working closely with local residents to encourage social equity, financial sustainability, food security and community development. They are also encouraging peaceful approaches towards societal challenges.

Global Changemakers Meet in Atlanta to Address Food Security
How can we address food security in a world of plenty? More than 200 changemakers from Southern Africa, Latin America and U.S. cities tackled this issue at the Global Summit on Food Security in Atlanta Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, 2018. The event was sponsored by the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance (KFLA), with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Latin American Kellogg Fellows Collaborate Closely for Common Good
KFLA Global Summit Sparks Many New Partnerships. Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, Kellogg Fellows are collaborating closely to create innovative strategies and programs that support food security, social equity, community development, indigenous cultures and economic sustainability in Colombia, Peru, Mexico and other nations.

Southern African Kellogg Fellows Team Up to Address Challenges
KFLA Network Supports Children, Families and Communities. Throughout Southern Africa, Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance (KFLA) is looking at ways that Kellogg Fellows can collectively address issues in their region and support children, women and communities. There are more than 250 Kellogg Fellows in Southern Africa. Clusters of active Fellows are in seven countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and South Africa.

Eli Cuna, leading with deep connectivity and resolve
The WKKF Community Leadership Network (CLN) with the Center for Creative Leadership is an innovative fellowship that supports local leaders to connect, grow and lead transformational change toward a more equitable future.

Courageous leaders advance racial equity
The WKKF Community Leadership Network brings knowledge from decades of leadership experience to bear on a primary challenge of our time — how to create equitable communities where all children can thrive.

Supporting Healthy Families, Local Food and Peaceful Actions
Whether it’s building healthier communities in New Mexico or supporting mothers of low-income families in Mississippi, Kellogg Fellows are working closely with local residents to encourage social equity, financial sustainability, food security and community development. They are also encouraging peaceful approaches towards societal challenges.

Global Changemakers Meet in Atlanta to Address Food Security
How can we address food security in a world of plenty? More than 200 changemakers from Southern Africa, Latin America and U.S. cities tackled this issue at the Global Summit on Food Security in Atlanta Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, 2018. The event was sponsored by the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance (KFLA), with support from

Latin American Kellogg Fellows Collaborate Closely for Common Good
KFLA Global Summit Sparks Many New Partnerships. Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, Kellogg Fellows are collaborating closely to create innovative strategies and programs that support food security, social equity, community development, indigenous cultures and economic sustainability in Colombia, Peru, Mexico and other nations.

Southern African Kellogg Fellows Team Up to Address Challenges
KFLA Network Supports Children, Families and Communities. Throughout Southern Africa, Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance (KFLA) is looking at ways that Kellogg Fellows can collectively address issues in their region and support children, women and communities. There are more than 250 Kellogg Fellows in Southern Africa. Clusters of active Fellows are in seven countries: Botswana, Lesotho,

Eli Cuna, leading with deep connectivity and resolve
The WKKF Community Leadership Network (CLN) with the Center for Creative Leadership is an innovative fellowship that supports local leaders to connect, grow and lead transformational change toward a more equitable future.

Courageous leaders advance racial equity
The WKKF Community Leadership Network brings knowledge from decades of leadership experience to bear on a primary challenge of our time — how to create equitable communities where all children can thrive.

Patrick Young, leading by creating, delivering and guiding
The WKKF Community Leadership Network (CLN) with the Center for Creative Leadership is an innovative fellowship that supports local leaders to connect, grow and lead transformational change toward a more equitable future.